Editing the Commands menu

You can add certain kinds of commands to the Commands menu, and change their names, without editing the menus.xml file.

To create new commands that are automatically placed in the Commands menu, use the History palette (see Creating new commands from history steps).

To change the names of commands you've created, or to delete them from the Commands menu, choose Commands > Edit Command List. (Note that when you delete a command from the menu using this method, the file containing the command is deleted as well.)

To reorder the items in the Commands menu, or to move items between menus, you must edit the menus.xml file. See About menu syntax and About menu item syntax for an introduction to editing the menus.xml file.

Note: The term "command" has two meanings in Dreamweaver. Strictly speaking, from an extension developer's viewpoint, a command is a particular kind of extension. In some contexts, however, "command" is used interchangeably with "menu item" to mean any item that appears in a Dreamweaver menu, no matter what it does or how it's implemented.